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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Entertaining Ways To Spend Your Time Online

Whether you like it or not, you probably spend a lot of time online. It’s likely you’re not even aware of what you’re doing or if it’s a productive use of your time. Having access to information at the click of a button has never been so easy. It’s no wonder people are glued to their smartphones and computers.
Consider how you personally spend time on the Internet. Hopefully, not all of its serious work. You need time for rest and play too. Be open to going online for both business and entertainment reasons. See entertaining ways to spend your time online.
Learning A New Skill
You’re never too old to learn or challenge your mind. There are free classes through Coursera on just about any topic. Enjoy brushing up on old subjects or tackling ones you’ve always wanted to learn. Otherwise, there’s a long list of websites ranging from learning a language to reading about how stuff works. Another idea is to learn a new skill such as building a piece of furniture for your home. Watch videos and tutorials to guide you through the process. There’s not enough time in the day to soak up all the information you’ll want to study. Time goes fast when you’re learning a new skill, and you’re sure to be entertained.
Studying Apps
Figure out which apps you want to download from your phone. Do your research and read reviews to get an idea of the best ones. Reviews from other users will give you great insight as to how the app truly performs. There are productivity apps and games to choose from that’ll keep you busy for a long time. Try them out on your phone and enjoy the fact that you were able to quickly find apps you’ve been wanting. There are so many options out there that doing your homework online first will make it easier to choose from the app store.
Playing Online Poker
If you’re not familiar with how to play online poker, use the USA online poker guide to get started. Spend some time reviewing the information and getting acquainted with the rules and websites. They’re useful for anyone not familiar with the system. Once you feel prepared, choose the site that’s right for you and put your best skills forward. It’s entertaining, challenging and you’ll hopefully be able to walk away with a winning hand. If not, there’s always tomorrow where it’s possible to play from the comfort of your own home.
Watching Videos
Find funny videos or music videos and devote an afternoon to watching them online. It’s an excellent way to spend your free time and loosen up a bit. There’s content out there for everyone, so you’ll have plenty of topics to choose from. Share the funny videos with your friends and have them join in on the fun. There are also sports and movie clips available to keep you entertained. Mark and save your favorite videos for later so you can watch them again. There’s tons of free content for you to view, all you have to do is search.
Come up with a topic that’s on your mind and create a blog post for your website. Writing is a great stress reliever and it feels good to share your viewpoints with the world. Blogging is a healthy activity that’s rewarding and a productive way to spend your time online. Come up with some nice images to share and reread it a couple of times before hitting publish. Also, spend time reading other people’s blogs and getting ideas for your next post. Leave thoughtful comments and share your opinions on other websites you enjoy reading.
Shopping online is such a treat. You don’t have to leave your home and are still able to snag some of the cutest outfits on the market. Spend time scanning websites and searching for the best sales. You might be able to find an outfit that you spotted in the store for cheaper if it’s on sale online. You won’t feel rushed when shopping at home or have to deal with long checkout lines. Spend as much time as you need searching, comparing and analyzing before hitting the purchase button. You have all the time in the world online. Be sure to read the fine print and take notice of their return policy.
Playing on Social Media
Social media is a popular way to spend time online. There’s so much to do including browsing Pinterest for recipes, seeing what your friends are up to on Facebook and getting the latest breaking news on Twitter. Use social media to connect with family, share status updates, see the latest friends and connect with businesses. Social media has a way of sucking you in and you may find yourself playing on it for hours at a time. It’s definitely entertaining and keeps you wanting more. Download a new platform and check it out to and see if it’s worth your time.
Taking A Quiz
Challenge yourself to take various quizzes online. Put your skills to the test with different topics and subjects. It’s a fun and amusing way to pass the time and you’ll be getting smarter as you go. It’s possible you’ll surprise yourself with the information you do or don’t know. Find quizzes that are outside of your comfort zone and see how you do just for fun. Don’t take it too seriously. Remember that you’re spending time on the Internet entertaining yourself. There are an endless amount of exercises out there for testing your knowledge. If you get bored with it, play online games and challenge yourself to hit the high scores.
There are a time and place to be productive on the Internet. Whenever you’re not working, it’s a great spot to be learning, laughing and playing. There are tons of ways to keep yourself amused online. Give some of them a try and see where it takes you. These are entertaining ways to spend your time online.
Sources: techpatio

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