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Friday, March 10, 2017

Happy Women’s Day: Amazing Women Who Totally Rocked The Science And Tech World

Women have been making noteworthy contributions to the world of science and tech world since the earliest known times. Many women have displayed their endeavors by defying the restrictions and have overcome the difficulties in their own ways. Nowadays the situation is somehow better and women don’t face the problems they used to face in the past.
n the occasion of International Women’s Day, Fossbytes is sharing an enriching infographic of the women who totally rocked at science and tech. 😀

If you want to encourage the women in your life to pursue a career in science and tech, it’ll surely inspire them. These women have excelled in their work and accomplished so much to become distinguished.
In world-famous writer Virginia Woolf’s words:
“Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.”
These women are from different fields of science like biology, nuclear physics, biophysicists, space scientists and more.
Take a look at the infographic:

Infographic source: 

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